Technical Resources

We must first start with the white paper that started it all:

Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas M. Antonopoulos is perhaps the most comprehensive book published about Bitcoin: offers comprehensive guides and reference material for developers:

Blockchain Reader offers a web based reference tool for decoding and interpreting Bitcoin transactions:

A bit too technical? Try out Coindesk‘s playlist of videos that give a good primer for people who are just starting to learn about bitcoin:

The Coin Offering aims to be a transparent “Crypto 101” for those seeking unbiased information on the cryptocurrency market. They also have a podcast called “The Decrypting Crypto” where they teach exactly what cryptocurrency is, how to buy your first crypto, all the way through to understand what smart contracts are and how blockchain technology can be applied to a range of different applications and industries:

Like Wiki? There is one for bitcoin, of course:

Bitcoin Core and Source Code: offers tools for developers to get data about the blockchain: offers a pure and powerful JavaScript bitcoin library: offers an open source, HD‑multisignature wallet using bitcore:

MultiChain allows you to create and deploy private blockchains with ease:

Source code for additional blockchain functionalities:

Anders Brownworth offers a visual demo you can try hands-on to understand the inner workings of Bitcoin blockchain:

Simply Explained YouTube channel has a collection of easy to understand short videos on how Blockchain works and more:

Practical guide to Blockchain in Real World (originally prepared for Seoul Innovation Challenge)

Carla Thomas has a nice infographic on the history (and future) of Bitcoin

Presentation for Open Source Alliance (in Korean)

CoinTracker’s Cryptocurrency 101 shares a general overview of different cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies along with answers to many common questions

Bitcoin Center Korea hosts a wide variety of developer events and workshops:

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